( 01908 ) 312359
Organic based with added iron|Helps prevent leaves yellowing|Particularly suitable for use with acid loving plants|Ideal for blueberries and raspberries|Available in weatherproof pouch
Thicker, healthier lawn|Greener in just 7 days|Kills moss|Kills weeds
Coated both sides with dry-touch insect glue. |Pesticide-free and suitable for organic gardening. |Non-toxic.
A natural way to protect lawns and similar areas from rabbit damage|Children and pets may be allowed onto treated areas|Contains nutrients beneficial to plants|Protects up to 150m2|Suitable for organic gardening
Nutrient content is ideal for vigorous climbing plants including honeysuckle, passion fruit and ivy|Encourages bright, abundant flowering|Rich in potassium and natural nutrients|Available in weatherproof pouch
Glyphosate free|Kills down to the roots|Kills brambles, thistles, nettles & more
Single trap will protect 3 to 5 trees from apple fruit moths.
The premier fertiliser for fruit, vegetables, flowers and roses|The outstanding all-purpose pelleted fertiliser for plants, roses, fruit, flowers, vegetables and new lawns. Vitax Q4 contains the vital plant foods and trace elements essential for vigorous...
For healthy growth and vibrant foliage in new and established Japanese Maple|For acers in borders, pots and containers|Organic - One feed lasts a whole season|The best start when planting new acers
For strong, healthy growth and improved flowering|Suitable for fuchsias grown in tubs, planters and hanging baskets|Can be used on all flowering plants around the garden|High potash liquid feed with added trace elements
The ideal solution for iron deficiency|Promotes strong growth on rhododendrons, heaters and other 'lime haters'|The perfect tonic for chalky or alkaline soils
For strong, healthy growth and more fine quality blooms|Bigger, brighter flowers and fresh green leaves|Helps plants to stay healthy and strong|Slow release, promotes flowering all season long
For vibrant flowers and strong healthy growth|Added magnesium and iron to boost flowering|For abundant blooms of high quality flowers|Improves plant health, quality and vitality
For Azaleas, Camellias and Rhododendrons. |With iron and manganese for strong healthy growth and ?owering
Soluble mycorrhizal fungi to boost root size. |Also contains bene? cial bacteria, seaweed and biostimulants. |Helps create a healthy bioactive root zone. |Encourages vigorous and robust plant growth. |Suitable for roses, trees, shrubs and most...